지금 봐도 너무 재밌는 미드 프렌즈 시리즈

친구가 돈을 모아 로또를 사는 에피소드인데, 아는 단어도 문장에 넣어 쓰는 게 익숙하지 않으니 잘 살펴봐야 한다.
—프렌즈 시즌 9-18 The One with the lottery
Rachael : Why don ‘ t we all pitch in 50 bucks , we ‘ ll pool our money together and then if we win , we ‘ ll slipt it !
pitch: 협력하기
pool: (공동자금 등) 모금
Sense the tone .
Joey : We should pool all own money and buy the Knicks !
R : It ‘ s like that time they promoted S over me at work
P : The drawing is about to start !
drawing : (복권) 추첨
P : I beg to differ .
제 의견은 다릅니다만.프렌즈 시즌9-19. The one with Rachel’s dream
챈들러와 로스가 어쩔 수 없이 호텔의 비싼 방에 머물며 어메니티를 챙기는 장면에서 크게 웃었던 일화
Monica : Well you can ‘ t ! We ‘ re booked solid for the next month !
예약이 꽉 찬
Phoebe : Well , I can ‘ t give you a massage , because my licence has been revoked again !
revoke: 취소하다
Ross : Well , this is what happens when people live on the edge !
벼랑 끝에 (가난하게 살다)
Monica : What do you think brought that on ?
왜 그래?
Chandler : Oh , I didn ‘ t factor in the room tax .
factorin: ~을 고려한다, 감안한다.
Monica : Alright , let me ask you this question : How many of you thought the music was fine , but not in keeping with the tone of the restaurant ? ( a few raise their hands again ) .
분위기에 어울리다
Phoebe : Ok , well , alright , who thinks the food is fine , the music was fine , but your evening was ruined by this incessant poll taking ? ( all raise their hands ) .
incessant: 끊임없는, 쉴 틈이 없는
Phoebe : Oh … Who was so stupid and stubborn that she lashed out against her friend ‘ s cooking which she actually thinks is pretty great ! ( raises her hand )
lash out : 혹평하다, 몰아세우다
Monica : ooohh … hey ! Wanna stick around and I ‘ ll whip you up some dinner ?
whip somebody / something up : (요리) 빠르게 만들기
프렌즈 시즌9-20 The one with the Soap Opera
Joey : Look , my agent hooked me up with six tickets to a great play .
hook ( something ) up with :
Rachel : Ok , off the top of my head …
딱 생각나는 건
Charlie : Let ‘ s ditch him !
버리고 가다, 놓고 가다
Rachel : Ok ! ( whispering ) Joey is having a secret Days Of Our Lives party up on the roof and he sent you guys to the play to get rid of you !
Joey : ( sounds tired ) Hey you guys , I ‘ m turning in . Have fun .
잠자리에 들다.
Monica : Oh yeah that ‘ s what you want – my inhibitions lowered .
Charlie : Yes ! And while that is everything one looks for in a boyfriend , he had a lot of issues …
Ross : ( very interested ) Oh ! like what ? ! ( Charlie looks at him confused , but smiling ) Oh I ‘ m sorry , I don ‘ t mean to pry … it ‘ s just that this must be what regular people experience when they watch ” Access Hollywood ” .
#Friends #프렌즈 #미드영어공부