<영어전문과외 보스턴 영어/도봉구 쌍문동 방학동 창동> 기네스북 기록을 깬 9명의 쌍둥이들이 무럭무럭 자라 돌을 맞았다.네

여러분, 돼지는 많은 아이를 낳는 동물로 널리 알려져 있습니다.

그럼 암돼지가 한 번에 몇 마리의 새끼를 낳는지 아세요?

건강한 암돈은 1년에 두 번 아이를 낳는데, 3개월 3주 3일의 임신 기간을 거쳐 한 번에 보통 일곱 마리의 아이를 낳습니다.

현재까지 가장 많이 낳은 기록은 한 번에 22마리의 새끼 돼지가 태어난 경우라고 합니다.

오늘은 돼지 얘기가 아니라 사람 같은 경우인데 사람들은 일반적으로 한 번에 한 명의 아기를 낳잖아요?

자, 오늘 이야기의 주인공 커플은 작년에 딱 한 번에 9명이나 되는 9명의 쌍둥이를 낳았습니다.이런 경우는 거의 없기 때문에 기네스북에도 등록이 된 것이겠지요.

그 아홉 쌍둥이들이 현재 잘 자라서 돌을 맞았다는 기쁜 소식이 있어 함께 나누고자 합니다.

Nine Babies

News Bites June 2022Moth ers sometimes give birth to more than one baby at a time, such as twins, triplets or quadruplets. Last year, nine babies, known as ‘nonuplets’, were born to a couple from Mali, West Africa. Four boys and five girls joined Halima Cissé and Abdelkader Arby’s family. They already had one young daughter.Born in a clinic in Morocco on May 4, 2021, the nine babies arrived early, at 30 weeks into the pregnancy. The clinic organised a special team of 30 healthcare workers for this medical event. The babies were delivered through an operation called a Caesarean section. They became instantly famous as the largest number of babies to survive in a single birth. The infants weighed between about 450 grams and 1 kilogram each.The nine are considered to be miracle babies, for sure. On their first birthday, the toddlers were all healthy and doing well – sitting up, crawling, and even walking with help The family, along with neighbours and healthcare workers from the clinic, celebrated this special day. Life for this family is very different from most.They still live in a special apartment in Morocco that belongs to the clinic, receiving continued medical support.




News Bites June 2022

BITE SIZED!The record number of babies to survive a single birth before this was eight. That birth took place in 2009 in California, USA. Sometimes referred to as ‘Octomom’, the mother was Nadya Suleman.




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